When working with Logo Link, implementing proper fallback handling ensures a smooth user experience. While we provide built-in fallback options, here’s how to implement custom fallback handling for 404s and loading states in React.

Enhanced Fallback Mechanism

Our React approach combines the basic fallback structure with error handling and loading states:

const LogoLink = ({ domain, clientId, fallbackText = "N / A" }) => {
  const [isLoading, setLoading] = useState(true);
  const [isError, setError] = useState(false);

  // Transparent 1x1 pixel PNG used as initial placeholder

  // Construct the logo URL with domain and client ID
  const logoLink = `https://cdn.brandfetch.io/${domain}/fallback/404/icon?c=${clientId}`;

  // Determine which source to use based on component state
  // - During loading: show transparent placeholder
  // - After loading, no error: show actual logo
  // - On error: transparent placeholder remains while fallback UI shows
  const src = !isLoading && !isError ? logoLink : transparent;

  return (
    <div className="wrapper">
        onLoad={() => setLoading(false)}
        onError={() => setError(true)}
        alt="Logo by Brandfetch"

      {/* Fallback UI shown only when there's an error loading the logo */}
      {isError && (
        <div className="fallback">

Style your fallback mechanism with this CSS:

.wrapper {
  border-radius: 9999px;
  position: relative;
  overflow: hidden;
  height: 128px;
  width: 128px;

.fallback {
  background-color: #eaeaea;
  justify-content: center;
  align-items: center;
  text-align: center;
  display: flex;
  height: 100%;
  width: 100%;

.fallback p {
  font-weight: bold;
  font-size: 24px;
  color: #666;

.icon {
  position: absolute;
  object-fit: cover;
  height: 100%;
  width: 100%;
  left: 0;
  top: 0;

How It Works

  1. Initial render: Shows transparent placeholder image
  2. After initial load: Attempts to load actual logo
  3. Success: Displays logo
  4. Error: Shows fallback UI with provided text

The key benefits of using a transparent placeholder is that users never see the default browser “broken image” icon.

The LogoLink component can be easily integrated into your React application. Here’s how to use it:

<LogoLink domain="github.com" clientId="client-id" fallbackText="G" />

The component automatically handles loading states and errors, providing a smooth experience for your users.