Webhooks are currently available to Scale customers only, if you’re interested contact us.

The following table lists the type of events which can be subscribed to. There are additional events not shown in this table—if you have a custom need for an additional event, please reach out to us.

  • Event type: brand.claimed
    Namespace: brand
    Scope: urn:brandfetch:brand:<id>
    Description: Triggered when a brand is claimed by the brand owner.

  • Event type: brand.deleted
    Namespace: brand
    Scope: urn:brandfetch:brand:<id>
    Description: Triggered when a brand is soft-deleted. This is exceedingly rare and usually related to a take-down request by the brand’s owner.

  • Event type: brand.updated
    Namespace: brand
    Scope: urn:brandfetch:brand:<id>
    Description: Triggered anytime a brand’s data is updated.

  • Event type: brand.company.updated
    Namespace: brand
    Scope: urn:brandfetch:brand:<id>
    Description: Triggered anytime a brand’s company data is updated.

  • Event type: brand.verified
    Namespace: brand
    Scope: urn:brandfetch:brand:<id>
    Description: Triggered when a brand’s data is human-reviewed (by our curation team).