Webhooks are currently available to Scale customers only, if you’re interested contact us.

Retry behavior

Brandfetch attempts to deliver a given event to your webhook endpoint for up to 3 days with an exponential back off.

If your endpoint has been disabled or deleted when Brandfetch attempts a retry, future retries of that event are prevented. However, if you disable and then re-enable a webhook endpoint before Brandfetch can retry, you can still expect to see future retry attempts.

Disable behavior

Brandfetch attempts to notify you of a mis-configured endpoint by email if the endpoint hasn’t responded with a 2xx HTTP status code for multiple days in a row. The email also states when the endpoint will be automatically disabled.

Event ordering

While events are usually in order, your integration should not depend on it. Brandfetch doesn’t guarantee delivery of events in the order in which they’re generated. For example, re-indexing a brand might generate the following events:

  • brand.company.updated
  • brand.updated

Your endpoint shouldn’t expect delivery of these events in this order, and needs to handle delivery accordingly. You can also use the API to fetch any missing objects (for example, you can fetch the current brand information from brand.company.updated if you happen to receive this event first).