Transaction API: Turn payment transactions into merchant data.

We’ve released a new endpoint called the Transaction API, enabling you to convert messy payment transactions into merchant data (e.g., logos, name, location, industry, etc.).

The primary input for querying the Transaction API is a raw transaction descriptor (the line-item text on a bank or credit card statement). You provide this as the transactionLabel in the request body, along with a countryCode to narrow down the merchant’s locale. For example, a transaction label like STARBUCKS 1523 OMAHA NE with country code US can be resolved to

Get started by reading the documentation.

We have introduced a new fallback option to the Logo Link, enabling you to choose whether you want to receive a 404 response if no logo is found. This complements our existing fallback options: transparent, lettermark, and brandfetch.

You can access the 404 fallback in the same way as the other fallback options by specifying 404 in the link: